San Antonio Cocktail Conference

2016 San Antonio Cocktail Conference

Long looked at as a desert when it came to cocktails or adult beverages, San Antonio is quickly changing that perception around the country. This past January, the Alamo City was host to the 5th annual San Antonio Cocktail Conference, a gathering of professionals in the bar and restaurant industry that focuses on education and guided tastings. The conference attracts speakers and attendees from all over the United States eager to expand their knowledge, ask questions to further their craft/business and mingle with other professionals. 

Each year the variety and number of seminars has grown and this year included over thirty seminars, with many more pairings and social events, such as ‘Waldorf of the Prairie”, a social event featuring dozens of cocktails and culinary combinations held at the historic St. Anthony Hotel, once referred to as the Waldorf of the Prairie because of it’s East Coast style opulence. 

Although there were multiple dinners and pairings early in the week, for many the conference began on Thursday morning with several seminars, which continued into Saturday. Here are some seminar highlights: